Tuesday, January 8, 2013


There are many things that inspire my writing . Artwork, music, relationships (or lack-there-of), movies, books. But few things inspire me more than my friends. And so I present you with this blog series: “Cool Things My Friends Do.”

FRIEND #1: Niki Ianni
COOL THING #1: “213 in 2013 Project”

Niki and I met at a party sophomore year of college, discovered a mutual love for theater, and started Insomnia Theater on Temple University’s campus. Since then, we have passed on the torch, but have still remained good friends.

When Niki and I did the theater company together, we worked very well. The group would not have functioned without her. She is determined, detail-oriented, thinks in bullet points but still has fun. I did the more touchy-feely team-building stuff. There were times when we played good cop (me)-bad cop (her), and in hindsight I unintentionally made her play that part. She should not have had to suffer simply because she was the more competent one. She is one of the most successful people that will grow up in my generation.

This being said, I knew at the time that Niki was sacrificing a lot of her free time and social life to get on the “ladder of success” as she coins it. I didn’t want to be the friend to tell her “slow down and look around,” because I did not feel it was my place to steer her off the path. So it is with great pleasure that I find she discovered this for herself. This is one of the most ambitious people you will ever meet. She taught me how to keep my head in the clouds and feet on the ground.

FLOCCADELPHIA: Which are you most scared to accomplish?
NIKI: There are a few I’m not looking forward to, although I know the experiences will make me a better person in the end. One of the things I’m hoping to find this year is a foundation for my spiritual/religious beliefs because I want so badly to have something bigger than myself to believe in.

FLOCCADELPHIA: Which do you think is the least achieveable?
NIKI: I think all of them are definitely achievable…but I vowed I wouldn’t get worked up or stressed, no matter how challenging it will be. Who knows, I might not even finish! The entire point of the project is to enjoy my life to the fullest. Whether I accomplish all 213 or only complete 100, I know it’s going to be a year I’ll never forget.

Here are my favorites:
  • Attend a religious service I’ve never attended.
  • Take Mike (her fiancĂ©e) on a romantic date.
  • Stay up all night and watch the sunrise from Lincoln Memorial.
  • Learn to say hello in 30 different languages.
  • Participate in Chat Roulette…with my cats.
I hope this inspires you to grab life by the you know whats as much as it inspired me.

Monday, January 7, 2013


I have recently decided that I am going to get a tattoo on my foot. Pictures to come, but I want it to be a summation of my travels. It's going to be an area code of every place that I have lived thusfar in order. These are  203 (Danbury, CT)....610 (Reading, PA)....215 (Philadelphia).....39(06) (Rome, Italy)....310 (Los Angeles)....312 (Orlando/Cape Canaveral).

I recently saw all this hullabaloo (I said it) about Justin Bieber apparently smoking pot. You know what? I know he's an inspiration to millions of kids, so that kinda sucks. But at the same time, he's human. Give the guy a rest. That also got me looking into more stories about him. And I came across this...he has like 10 tattoos! That's not an exaggeration! And most have been obtained in the last year. That is so many tattoos! Relax dude, we appreciate your maturity. Don't try to grow up too fast.
