Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lessons I learned from The Amazing Spider-Man

As many know, Columbia Pictures has released yet another Spider-Man film, despite having released the first one and two sequels (apologies, one sequel and one musical...and no I'm not talking about the actual musical). Here are my thoughts after seeing the latest rendition.

Lessons I learned (in no particular order).
1. Emma Stone is still a goddess.
2. Flash Thompson should be living in my bedroom and not in this movie.
3. Peter Parker apparently = angsty/sassy good-looking hipster.
4. There is a reason why most films do not have three screenwriters.
5. Bad guys ALWAYS sound better with a British accent.
6. Gashes on human flesh heal in about a day without stitches. Good job, make up department.
7. Incredible soundtracks matched with an average movie make the composer look like a fool and a genius at the same time.
8. The producers are catching on to the fact that 3D/IMAX films are overpriced, and reward its audience by giving them free posters now.
9. Marc Webb still found a way to make an extended indie music video.
10. Cranes are so. effing. cool.
11. 3D was made for three films: Avatar, Titanic, and this one.
12. Cell phones have perfect reception in the sewers.
13. Spiderwebs can stop a bullet wound.
14. Your hands are only sticky sometimes if you're Spider-Man.
15. The weight of the word "responsibility" only works in the first film.
16. Spider-Man/Peter Parker is the only one that deserves character development. All other characters are allowed to be one-dimensional and have weak objectives.
17. The second Dark Knight Rises trailer apparently makes me cry when it is on a big screen.