Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dear Taylor Swift

Dear Taylor Swift,

Ha! Sorry to say, you did not get the role of Eponine in what will be the epic Les Miserables film released later this year. Just kidding, I'm not that sorry. Now, I don't think you're as bad as everyone says you are. Your songs are pretty good. But they're so damn repetitive.

Secretly, I'm jealous that you have this life as an early 20s something, and that I will be living in a cardboard box next year. It's also pretty cool that you're from the same home town as me. Want to stop by sometime? My best friend at college has a mad crush on you.

K thanks.

Have fun not being a part of this awesome cast:
Russell Crowe! Hugh Jackman! Anne Hathaway! (drool) Helena Bonham Carter! Amanda Seyfried!