Monday, June 20, 2011

THE REVAMP: Rowling Trolling(?) with a side of country music and Mr. T.

So when I started, I really thought I was going to stay on top of this blogging thing like many of today's politicians stay on top of their affairs.

WRONG. But now that I have summer time, I'm trying to get into good habits. I figured this would be a good time and place to pick up.The question still remains...what the hell am I going to blog about? What's really going to be so interesting?

And so, at least for now, I'm going to blog about what YOU like. It's sort of like a retweet on Twitter, but I'm just going to choose one to go into detail from that day. I'm going to go down my newsfeed on facebook and see what my friends/colleagues/classmates/family/thattinygroupofpeoplewhoyoufeelobligatedtobefriendswithwhentheyrequestyou post for the day. The one I like the most/find most interesting will be the one I write about. I'll learn more about it, and so will you. I'll then also post two or three "runners up" that caught my eye as well.

So...drumroll please....the first blogpost of the Revamp goes to a post by my Michelle H. on Kelsey L.'s wall. (for privacy purposes, I am not including last names, just links to their facebook profiles. This may seem ironic, but obviously you will only be able to see their profile if you're friends with them, or if their privacy settings are open). Here is the link that she posted:

Whether you're a Potter fan like me or not, you cannot deny the inevitable awesomeness of this link. I'm not even talking about the content...we'll get to that in a second. I'm talking about the page itself. THIS SH*! is BANANAS. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. It's like...interactive. See for yourself, the owls shake their heads when you touch them (That's what she said?). Ok so it's not that crazy (my roommate sort of stared at me when I went batsh!t insane over the whole thing). I'm sure James Cameron, Steve Jobs, or John Lasseter are sitting in a booth somewhere in Hollywood, either making the owls shake or criticizing the fact that they're not 3D. Either way, it's something to give a hoot about.

Now, to the content. WHATTTT???? J.K. Rowling has a big announcement??? All I gotta say is
1) It better be living up to the hype and well worth the shaky owls.
2) If it's another Harry Potter book, it better be effin fantastic.
3) She better not be trolling. Pun intended.
4) It better be no JK. 

Sorry, that's not all I have to say. Redact number 2. This morning, the LA Times ran an article explaining that it will not be another book. However, it did give more insight than an article from last week, which simply acknowledged the presence of a mystery website.  That being said, in 2008 she said she was nearing completion of a "political fairy tale" for kids. Some think it may be the ultimate everything-there-is-to-know-about-the-world-of-Harry-Potter encyclopedia. Because the website has owls on the front of it, it's probably safe to assume it's Potter related, especially because its name is Pottermore. confirming that it is not a book, but gave further insight than

My prediction: It's the new encyclopedia. As cool as this will be, I'm kind of hoping it's something completely out of left field. (Although they've already thrown a theme park, a film franchise with a 2-part finale, Scene It, Monopoly, action figures and everything else our way. Frankly the only thing I would be completely thrown off and surprised by is a Harry Potter porno...and now I won't be because I thought of it. Damn. They probably already have it anyway).

What do you think it is? Feel free to take the poll >

Runners up:
Dru C.'s status today: "Oh man, I'm starting to like country music. Hell has frozen over."

My response: Agreed! My country repertoire is  slowly going beyond Zac Brown Band. Some of you may hate me for posting this, I know it's not real country, but I love the effort anyway. I'm expanding more than that, I swear!

My response: Probably the most fun I've had all week. It's like Barbie for men.


1 comment:

  1. Rumor has it that it will be a Harry Potter themed cell phone, but it will only be carried by a small cell phone provider
