Monday, January 16, 2012

Dear Final Semester of College

Dear Final Semester,

Holy.Shit. You're here! No seriously, you''re early right? Haven't you ever heard of showing up fashionably late? When I said arrive on time I didn't mean sneak up on me like that. Tell you what...I'll close my eyes and count to ten. I'll give you a that amount of time to leave my house, shut the door, get back in the car and drive around the block a few more times. Then you can show up when I'm good and ready.

(20 minutes later, the doorbell rings)
Oh...oh you're back. I was just hopping in the shower umm...well, ok I guess, I guess you can come in. Help yourself to some cheap food I just bought at the Fresh Grocer. No I insist! I'm trying to get better at hosting unexpected guests. I usually just have a bag of chips from the market down the street on 15th and Master, but you get high class today. Luck you. Help yourself to the Franzia, it's in my room next to the bed. Oh you don't drink wine? Have a Yeungling, they're in the fridge....yeah...yeah right there next to the Banker's Club...It smells you say? Craaaaappp, sorry that must be the onions. My roommates just got back from break and i guess we forgot to clean out the fridge...well don't yell at me it's not my fault! I told you we weren't expecting you yet.

You know what, ok I'll just skip the shower. Let me just go spray on some Axe so I don't, I'm not trying to impress you....I'm just self conscious ever since my gym shoes stunk up the entire house for three days after I wore them with no socks after they were out in the rain.

I'm sorry I'm so jumpy. I'll...well I'll tell you what's on my mind straight. I can't believe you've arrived already. Meh...ok I guess I can. And I'm excited for what the next chapter will bring. Looking back on the past three and a half years of my life is something that I will most likely do every other day until I graduate on May 10th. I get nostalgic like that. Don't judge me. You're nice but you're very intimidating.

I know you start tomorrow, and I barely had time to prepare for you. Break was crazy, getting my film together, scheduling stuff back and forth, making trips to and from Reading, Philadelphia, and Connecticut. I guess it's good the Grandpere didn't get sick while you were visiting me. The whole family situation kind of sucks right now while he's in the hospital, but thank you for not imposing on my life while that whole thing happened. As I'm experiencing you, remind me to call him every so often, ok? I feel really bad about that, things get so crazy when you're in town and I often forget to call my family.

Anyway, despite this nostalgic crap, I'm excited for what you have to bring me, as well as my friends. To celebrate your arrival, as I'm sure you know, I went to Maxi's last night with Alex, Julie, and Cassie. The place was jam-packed, everyone was pretty pumped to see you. And it was the first time I actually enjoyed a Lionshead. We're all heading to Woody's on Wednesday, should be a good time. Please remind me to take breaks once in a while like that ok? Don't be an ass about it. I know you're very important and you're supposed to help us find jobs and everything, but let us have some fun too while we can.

I know you have to distribute yourself fairly, but please bring us jobs, ok? This idea of "this bad economy" is finally sinking in. We know we'll land on our feet, but many of us are scared as hell. I'm excited for the classes you're going to bring, for the final round of new friends I'll make in those classes, for the friends I'm going to spend time visiting at Happy Hours on Thursdays. You know, the ones I've made over the past three years at both Drexel and Temple? Yeah them, they're experiencing you too.

You are inevitable. We all knew you were coming eventually. Now that I've slightly gotten over the shock of it, I ask you just one more thing, cliche as it sounds. Please don't go to fast, alright? I want to enjoy your company. I know you have many other generations of students for years to come (well actually...maybe not if the Mayans are right, in which case you REALLY want to take your time with us). Stay a while, and I swear we will make your longevity worth it, and take full advantage of everything you have to bring.

Final semester, I look forward to cursing you out, hugging you, crying on your shoulder, drinking with you, dancing around you, and feeling bittersweet when you leave.


Ps- You ALREADY reek of four loko, keg beer, and people pissing in my back yard.

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