Friday, June 14, 2013

Cool Things My Friends Do: Build a school in Cambodia

Happy Summer! I am getting back into the swing of things with blogging, and am re-booting “Cool Things My Friends Do” with a friend I met while working in the Youth Activities Department for Disney Cruise Line.

Cool Friend #4: Misha Patel
Cool Thing #4: “Ohana Village School Project”

When Misha and I met, I was fascinated by her love for travel. She was raised in the UK, backpacked the world, lives in Hawaii, and in July will move to Cambodia where she will build her own school for children ages three to twelve. 

FLOCCADELPHIA: Why this school? Why Cambodia?
MISHA: Since I was young I have always wanted to volunteer in an orphanage in Cambodia. I ended up Googling different orphanages and found New Futures Organization, which runs orphanages and works with village schools. I volunteered there for about a month for my first trip. I also volunteered at a village school called Little Po, which was built by a young man who just wanted to make a difference. Little Po became my project and I ended up going every day, teaching these children who have almost nothing but are so happy with what they do have. I saw what a difference a school can make to a community. It’s now two years later, and I have decided to build my own school.
The process of finding a school was an overall fun experience. I interviewed three villages and spoke to the village head and the local people to find out which place would benefit the most. The village I decided on is called Broo Hoot, and the school is in Takeo. It was exactly what I was looking for!

FLOCCADELPHIA: What is the process for constructing it? Are you transforming an already existing building?
MISHA: I am actually building a school from scratch. I have an architect who has kindly volunteered their time to come up with a design for me and I will hire local people and volunteers to actually build the structure.

FLOCCADELPHIA: What subjects will they be taught?
MISHA: This will be a school where they are taught English. Knowing English opens up a lot of doors for people in Cambodia so these children will benefit a lot. They will learn to speak English but they will be speaking Khemear (The Cambodian Language) for the translations.

FLOCCADELPHIA: How are you getting your teachers?
MISHA: When I arrive in Cambodia in July I will be interviewing prospective teachers from the village. I will hire 2 teachers who I think would be best suited for the job.

FLOCCADELPHIA: How can people help your cause?
MISHA: Donating is always a good way to help! A company has already sponsored me $5000 so I only need to raise $2000 more via
The total amount will be enough for the building materials, labor, teachers, textbooks etc. On average it costs about $5 a child for their textbooks and papers and pens for a year, so not much at all.
Another way is actually coming out to teach or help build! Follow my page for all the latest updates on how the school is going!