Instead of starting a new blog in Rome, I decided to just continue this one. I may decide to make it more condensed and focused, but for now I'll just keep it like this: big, excited, and all over the place. And I'm not talking about un cazzo italiano...
...Mi spiace.
For those that don't know I'm taking a semester to study in Rome, Italy. We arrived two days ago. The room I have is tinier than David's member, and it "fits" three guys. Luckily, I know both of them.
So here's what I've learned thus far.
1. It's true, people really DO NOT CARE that you are walking in the street, and you WILL GET HIT by a vespa. Almost happened to myself and another girl.
2. Grazie: It's pronounced "Gratsee-ay" not "gratsee". The e on the end makes a huge difference and they'll know you're American from the start.
3. Italian men are gropey to young American women, and I had to be pretend to be the boyfriend more than once at a club last night.
4. In order to drink out of the fountains in the wall you have to plug the spout with your finger so it comes out the top. Don't splash yourself.
5. Italians see a group of loud American students, but if you say "buonasera" or "buongiorno" and smile, they will probably smile back once they realize you're not quite as ignorant as you look, just still loud and obnoxious. At least you're an educated loud obnoxious American.
6. Come va? = What's up.
7. EVERYONE eats clementines. You can get a kilogram of them for 99...cents? Whatever the "cents" equivalent is of the euro.
8. The Romans have obelisks (supposedly) because they believed Moses saw them while he was in Egypt. This brings them closer to Moses.
9. La Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the Four Rivers) by Bernini, located in Piazza Navona, has a guy on it who is cowering in fear, afraid that the Sant'Agnese in Agone (A church) will fall. Bernini carved this in reaction to the church because Rainaldi, the architect, was apparently one of his archenemies. Nice.
10. They like Ke$ha too.