Has science damaged us or enlightened us?
Centuries pass. Millenia pass.
What was once magic
Is now a formula.
Is now technology.
What was once mystery
Is now a calculation.
Is now a definition.
What was once an enigma
Is now a hypothesis.
Is now a chemical reaction.
Invisibility is impossible.
Teleportation is impossible.
Flying is impossible.
But is it?
Jesus physically healed the sick.
Moses physically parted the sea.
That was 2000 years ago.
Homer, Shakespeare, Washington
Might have considered a computer
To be witchcraft.
To be an illusion.
But is it an illusion?
We must ask ourselves this.
Do we want to know why
Do we want to know how
The sky is blue?
The sunset is red?
The planets orbit?
The water reflects?
The brain thinks?
The mind creates?
The body heals?
The stars glint?
The breeze blows?
the leaves change?
The clouds snow?
The child laughs?
The person dies?
The "V" flies?
The mirror reflects?
The flower smells?
The glaciers form?
The volcanoes erupt?
The rainbow exists?
The diamonds glisten?
The water freezes?
The lightning strikes?
The thunder rumbles?
The fire burns?
The sun rises?
Do we want to know
the mysteries?
Do we want to know
why and how God exists?
Must we see to believe?
Where do we draw the line?
When will magic become reality?
Are noetics, geology, astronomy,
biology, physics, chemistry,
radiology, geometry, psycology
If there were other life forms
That came to us
from another world
would we believe?
Would that destroy God?
We must know
We must be progressive.
The magic is not ruined,
It is explained.
It helps us to create
Our own magic.
Does knowing why
the rainbow forms
destroy its beauty?
Understanding of a rainbow
Allows us to capture light
And create our own beauty.
Does knowing why the
Brain works
Destroy its potential?
Understanding the mind and body
Allows us to save lives.
Does knowing why the
Stars shine
Dim their luster and awe?
Understanding the stars
Helps us to navigate.
And to explore.
Mystery and science
are not opposites.
Religion and science
are not opposites.
In order to understand
We must believe.
In order to believe
We must have faith.
That is the magic of science.
Or is it
The science of magic?
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